- Worklink’s partnership model with employment agencies is aimed at delivering a simplified, advanced service that
embraces the business dynamics surrounding temporary staff.Our comprehensive system improves the day today business of agencies and their clients, deploying a cost-effective,
reliable, flexible, environmentally friendly and modern system that creates more revenue opportunities and enhances
Worklink partnership opens doors to staffing agencies from different service industries to provide staffing solutions
to any client anywhere in the UK, creating an unparalleled network of agency staff workforce with aligned goals of
providing the most responsive and reliable temporary staff.
MyWorkLink is UK’s only one stop-shop where staff from various service industries find flexibility and control of
their work patterns allowing them to work anywhere in the UK.
Our Commitment to our partners
- Delivering savings to staffing agencies
- Guaranteed reduction in administration hours and associated costs
- Reducing paperwork and promoting environmentally friendly practices.
- Access to more clients and generating more revenue
- Transparent and competitive operating field among partners
- To ensure that all agency partners are aware of their particular contribution to the recruitment market and provide a
high-quality service
- Continuous engagement to fully understand our clients’ needs and innovate our models to deliver to their expectations
- Deliver a simple and advanced system that ensures a higher uptake of temporary shifts reducing short staffing
- Continuous development, regular upgrades of our systems and improving systems to ensure they continue to
meet client needs.
- We do our utmost to keep our systems operating at all times. Our continued investment in IT infrastructure ensures we
are better positioned to maintain and run uninterrupted service for our clients.
- Provide a transparent platform for clients to monitor rates and performance of agencies in their service industry
- Continue to respond to client needs by developing flexible temporary shift cover processes that support the changing
flexible workforce market.
- To ensure that appropriate flexible workers are placed to fulfil requests for staff, and that those workers are, and remain
to be, competent practitioners in whom clients can have confidence
- To assist clients in the achievement of their objectives and assignments by demonstrating the quality assurance of Agency
partners and using the unique insights of flexible workers to support organizations in identifying areas for improvement.
- We recognize flexible workers need to access booking systems and other services at any time of the day using any device.
Accessibility is the key to easier engagement. We live in an increasingly connected, self-service world and our commitment
to flexible workers is to continue to develop to meet their emerging needs.
- We will continue to invest to make it easier for flexible workers to choose work opportunities that meet their lifestyle choices
and help them serve the clients that so desperately need their services.
- We will actively and continuously engage flexible workers for insight and feedback on best ways to improve the system that
best suits their needs and expectations.
- In order for us to uphold our commitment to our clients and partners, we expect flexible workers to also make commitments to:
– Attend shifts on time
– Not cancel booked shifts
– Demonstrate awareness of their limitations within their role
– Report any concerns promptly
– Be trusted to carry out tasks with only indirect supervision
– Maintain a good standard of record keeping
– Act as a role models for others
– Demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills and willing to learn and develop new skills
Why work with Worklink?
- Join a fast-growing network of businesses with aligned goals
- Maximised cost savings through reduced administrative workload
- Comprehensive staff management system that can be integrated to payroll system
- Embrace technological advancement and stay competitive
- Innovative solutions that are tailored to client needs
- Round the clock support, every day of the year
- Assured increased revenue through accessing more clients nationwide
- Improved business practices, work less for more
- Be conservative and save the environment by switching from paper to electronic systems
- No upfront or hidden costs
- Get real-time comprehensive performance reports at the click of a button
- Quick and easy set-up, user friendly system
- One portal for shift and staff management, business performance evaluation, payroll processing, invoicing and payment claims,
staff training management, staff communication,
- Get business ratings and reviews from staff and clients to help improve your business
- Easy real-time invoicing and claiming system for bill payments from clients that minimises, errors, fraud and delays
- Clients see real-time payroll expenditure
- No added costs or IT equipment or infrastructure as our services are online and cloud based, allowing accessibility from anywhere
and on any device
- No licensing or upgrade or maintenance fees