Worklink allows agencies to easily process staff payroll through manipulation of shift booking data uploaded in the system.
The seamless function enables clients and agencies to work together and simplify payroll processing reducing administration hours and effecting cost savings.
When shifts are uploaded on the system, once a shift is booked and successfully completed by a flexible worker it awaits to be ‘authorised’ by the client.
Client shift authorisation is an electronic signature that replaces paper timesheets.
Agencies can group all authorised timesheets and process them to create payslips for staff at the click of the button.
Agencies can now further cut costs and reduce administration hours through automated client billing directly linked to booked and worked shifts.
When shifts are authorized by the client, the agency will be able to simply group them and create a bill for the client claiming hours worked by flexible worker.
Invoice claims can be done in real-time and clients also see their expenditure in real-time.
Worklink promotes contemporaneous monitoring and evaluation of flexible worker performance via the End of Placement Reporting system. ‘End of Placement’ reports are important in monitoring both flexible worker performance and client performance.
The flexible worker can give feedback of their first experience at an assignment. This helps the clients to gain independent feedback to improve their services and systems. Worklink will create feedback reports that help give ratings on clients.
In the same way the client gives feedback on suitability and performance of flexible workers after their assignment. This report helps agencies evaluate their staff for skills development, appraisals, or disciplining.
Our feedback platform creates governance standards that are coterminous among partners and clients.
• NHS Trusts across England can directly book secure transport from service providers without going through the current process of calling/emailing 0service providers one by one:- this saves time and costs as its quicker and avoids delays in finding an ambulance- reduces carbon emissions by finding the nearest and most readily available transport provider- Reduces mental health patient wait times for secure transport • Worklink ensures appropriate staffing levels and competence for supporting mental health patients during patient transportation- the system allows for setting parameters on staffing requirements- this ensures a competent workforce is mobilised- checks staff compliance and trainings are relevant • Worklink has a standard patient risk assessment tool with predictive features- allowing data sharing for quick decision making, mobilising the most appropriate resources and staff to support a patient- helps apply measures to safeguard patients and staff- gives predictive recommendations on types of ambulance to be used • Worklink engages patients to capture their experience and feedback- feedback recorded can be evaluated for reports and improving care services • Worklink allows various NHS Trusts and service providers to collaborate in scheduling patient transfers to coincide for;- easy resource sharing and planning i.e making hospital beds available across Trusts- cost cutting and carbon emissions reduction by collaborating similar transfer routes • Worklink has a unique feature that allows carpooling for staff with similar work patterns inline with net zero emissions mandate • Worklink links care services in realtime for effective communication- enabling access to primary care records in UEC services to aid clinical decision making.- supports the effective and efficient completion and use of discharge summarie
England Company Reg No: 12549982