General Questions

You can access MyWorkLink through Desktop PCs, Laptops, most Smartphones and Tablet devices.
In MyWorkLink the main actions you can do are search for and book shifts, view, release and query timesheets, view payslips, and update personal contact information.
MyWorkLink will work best with Internet Explorer version IE11, Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox. It is always best to work with the latest version and ensure that your device accepts the updates provided by the browser suppliers.

Booking Shifts

The number of shifts that are available to you are displayed at the top of each date on the Calendars and under the date in the List view. This is the same when viewing on all devices including mobile phones. You can view shift details by clicking on each shift posted.

You can use the option ‘Update my Availability’ to specifically set days and times that you are available to work, under your profile. This helps clients and agencies to pre-book you into shifts before posting them publicly

You can use the option ‘Update my Availability’ to specifically set days and times that you are available to work, under your profile. This helps clients and agencies to pre-book you into shifts before posting them publicly
You have the option on MyWorkLink of viewing your shifts on the Calendar screen or in a List view showing the shifts in date order. Once a shift has been completed it will remain on the Calendar or List as a Timesheet and will change colour to Green

We understand under certain circumstances you may need to cancel your booked shift. We value commitment of staff to clients. You will need to contact your Agency directly or the client to make this change. Be aware – you need to give sufficient warning to the client that you are cancelling, or you will be liable to reprimand. The time limit for this varies depending on the client.

A range of shifts are a set of shifts which are the same time of day, assignment code and location over a period of time. Quite often the client will require that the same person works all of the range.


On MyWorkLink timesheets appear on the Calendar and List views. You can also view and filter your Timesheets by date in the main menu.
You need to Release the Timesheet for payment. In the first place the Timesheet needs to be Authorised by a member of staff where you worked the shift. The status of the Timesheet will advise you that it is ‘awaiting release’ and there is a Release button next to the Timesheet which will complete the task when clicked.
Once Authorised there is an option to Query a Timesheet if you don’t agree with the shift details, e.g. the break time may have changed, or you did overtime and this hasn’t been updated. You can Query a Timesheet before it has been paid.


Access to My Payslips is through the menu at the top of the screen. You can filter the month which you want to view the payslip you are searching for and full details of the payslips will now be displayed.
In the My Payslips area there is an option to export the individual payslips and these can then be printed if required.


By accessing Personal Details via the Main menu you can correct or update personal contact information. For other changes you need to chat with our support or email Admin who can verify this with your employment agency.
Yes you can, you need to send your details via email to and we will verify your details with all your agency employers to merge your accounts.

General Questions

What device can I use with my worklink?

You can access MyWorklink by downloading the Worklink app from Playstore or Applestore onto your Smartphone or Tablet

What are the main things that I can do with MyWorklink?

In MyWorklink the main actions that you can take are search for booked shifts, view, release and query time sheets,view payslip, and update personal contact information

What browser does my worklink work with?

Myworklink will work best with internet explorer version IE11, Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox. It is always best to work with the latest version and ensure that your device accepts the updates provided by the browser supplies

Booking Shifts

How do I find suitable shifts?

Shifts that are available to you are displayed in Shifts on the dash board on the mobile app. You can view shift details by clicking on each shift posted. You can directly Book yourself into a shift or Apply to be booked into a shift, approval pending from the Client or Agency.

How do set availibility?

You can use the option "Update my Availability' to specifically set days and times that you are available to work, under your profile. This helps clients and agencies to pre-book you into shifts before posting them publicly

What do you mean by "Set Availibility"?

When we talk about 'availability' we are referring to the times and days that you can or are able to work. We understand that you may not want to work every day or have specific times during the day when you can or can't work so this takes account of that.

How can I manage my Shifts on MyWorklink

You have the option on MyWorkLink of viewing your shifts in a List view showing the shift status. You can take action on shifts depending on its status.

If I find that I cant work on a shift that I have booked, what do I do?

We understand under certain circumstances you may need to cancel your booked shift. We value commitment of staff to clients. You will need to contact your Agency directly or the client to make this change. Be aware - you need to give sufficient warning to the client that you are cancelling, or you will be liable to reprimand. The time limit for this varies depending on the client.

What is a Range Request?

A range of shifts are a set of shifts which are the same time of day, assignment code and location over a period of time. Quite often the client will require that the same person works all of the range.


Where can i see timesheets for shifts I have worked?

On MyWorkLink time-sheets appear on shifts in the View status of each shift. You can view and filter your shifts by date, agency, or client.

What do i need to do to time sheets to make sure I get paid for the work that I do?

You need to Release the Time sheet for payment. In the first place the Time sheet needs to be Authorized by a member of staff where you worked the shift. The status of the Time sheet will advise you that it is 'awaiting release' and there is a Release button next to the Time sheet which will complete the task when clicked.

What if I don't agree that the timesheet is correct?

Once Authorized there is an option to Query a Time sheet if you don't agree, with the shift details, e.g. the break time may have changed, or you did overtime and this hasn't been updated. You can Query a Time sheet before it has been paid.


How do I find my payslips?

Access to My Payslips is via the main menu. You can filter the month which you want to view the payslip you are searching for and full details of the payslips will now be displayed.

Can i get a print out of my payslip?

In the My Payslips area there is an option to export the individual payslips and these can then be printed if required


How do I get any of my personal data that is no longer correct changed?

By accessing Personal Details via the Main menu you can correct or update personal contact information. For other changes you need to chat with our support or email Admin who can verify this with your employment agency.

Can i work for multiple agencies using MyWorklink?

Yes you can, you need to send your details via email to and we will verify your details with all your agency employers to merge your accounts.